Latest Episodes

Dr. Jill Carnahan on her new book, film and approach to MCAS
This is a not-to-be-missed episode between two incredible physicians: Dr. Jill is a highly sought-after leader in functional medicine and a survivor of cancer/crohne's/MCAS. ...

Breast Implants and MCAS Insights with Surgeon Eva Nagy
Dr. Dempsey interviews breast surgeon Dr. Eva Nagy about her important new findings just published about evidence of mast cell activation in Breast Implant...

More Dr. Dempsey answering listener questions (part 2)
Nobody answers your MCAS questions as rapid-fire as Dr. Dempsey! She's back to answer listener questions, addressing the topics of anaphylaxis, Epi-Pens, difficult blood...

Underappreciated MCAS strategies with Dr. Kelly McCann
Dr. Kelly McCann is a leading educator on MCAS and related complex disease, with her online seminars and an approach that combines functional, integrative...

Mold-induced Illness is Treatable with Dr. Neil Nathan
Dr. Neil Nathan is the leading expert on mold and mycotoxin illness, and in this episode he and Dr. Tania Dempsey discuss how mold...

Vote now to raise awareness and funds with (the very strong) Dr. Tania Dempsey
Dr. Tania Dempsey shares her passion (and some tips) for bodybuilding, because she has been nominated to be on the cover of Muscle and...